Wednesday, December 30, 2009


i love the frisky articles on today, there is an article about the 13 relationship doomers. here are some of my favorites:

6. TV in the bedroom: No matter who decides to buy the 60-inch plasma and install it directly across from where "the magic happens," TV in the bedroom is an instant mood killer, both sexually and mentally.

7. Having rugrats *no explantation needed. 

9. King-size beds: Even if you go to bed mad, something about a forced snuggle in a small bed is like an unspoken "you're forgiven" and allows everything bad between you to dissolve away. A king-size mattress lets the tension rest comfortably between you and a fight can go on for days.

10. Half-truths to girlfriends: "I always know a relationship is doomed when I start telling my friends only part of the story about a squabble with my man," says Kelly. "I need the release of the confession, but by not telling the whole truth, I'm leaving out the part that would make my friends scream 'He's not right for you!'"

*i'm really, really good at #10. haha. yikes.

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