Thursday, February 25, 2010

celebs love me

boom! heidi montag. now following moi. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


4 years old, born November 17, 2005
Great Dane
Sleeps on a Queen Size Bed...alone
Consumes 110 pounds of food every month
Has to Bend Over to Drink Out of the Kitchen Faucet 
Sits in a chair like a human

George is the current Guinness World Record holder for largest dog. whoa.


i like to keep the puppy cam running on my computer at work for those moments when i get super stressed out and need a hug. today i had to have a little pup cam time and saw the most terrible advertisement--english bulldogs on ebay! i can't believe anyone would consider buying their chubbs on ebay. outrageous!

usa! usa!

i am such a fan of the olympics. i always get really into the games, tivo-ing everything and just loving every second of the competition. apparently, i'm not alone. nearly half of all US households are watching the olympics too. the games end this weekend, i hope i don't get an olympic hangover on monday.
 go team usa!!!


this little puggy, trouble, was at the dog spa two weeks ago for the dog show. i think it would probably do dixie some good to jog on the puppy treadmill--my mom says she's super hyper!



the burger on the left is 12 years old. for an experiment to prove how terrible mcdonald's is, a lady saved a hamburger from 12 years ago and compared it to a fresh burger (on the right). it's amazing that its only decomposition was drying out. my nana used to tell me not to eat at mickey d's because they had worms in their food that would crawl out of my skin, it may not be worms, but its definitely something you don't want to be ingesting. gross. gross. gross.


i want these little turtle burgers. looks delicious.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

well how 'bout that

from the grocery store circular today:

i knew i was a quiche...

but i didn't know i was a cheese too!

daily dixie

sweet, sweet dixie loves playing in the snow! she's a pugcicle!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


in response to lil' wayne's upcoming prison sentence, twitter-ers have started 2 trending topics to help cope with their temporary weezy loss-- #letterstoweezy and #freeweezy. my sister, haley, is obsessed with weezy and posted a rap lyric as her #lettertoweezy. here is my response:

@hmbowles1 found out playin' wit guns aint no funs-so now i be sittin in my cella protectin' my buns from da sons #lettertoweezy #freeweezy

hahaha. i'm not exactly the best freestyling rapper in the world, but whatever, she loved it. #letterstoweezy


according to a recent study, if men knew that there were no returns to career choices in the marriage market, they would tend to work less, study less, and choose blue‐collar jobs over white‐collar jobs. and probably shower less too. (my scientific opinion)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


it's supposed to snow 10"-18" tonight. i like this guy's enthusiasm.

very cool

no wonder it didn't snow in the city last week. such a cool picture from the spacestation. 

take it easy!

facebook status of one of my 'friends'...i had to read it twice to get through the spelling errors and the 50,000 thoughts that are in the endless sentence. yikes.

Talked to my bestie jordan today im so happy i missed him tired from work tho gettin alot more snow ready for summer i luv tanning wearing my bathin suit and playin in the kiddy pool wit the kids lol


i love denise richards's dog, rosie. she's always posting super cute pictures of her on twitter. cute cute.

save the date?

the frisky wrote an article today discussing the appropriate time for marriage. they quoted 15 different women, and it's obvious who lives in the south. some of these chicks are just wayyy too happy...
here are some of my favorites:

"Anytime! Morning, noon, night; fall, summer, winter, spring. The perfect time to get married is when you are completely in love." 
-- Lisa, Houston, Texas

geez louise.

"For a woman, the ideal time to get married is when you can learn to appreciate a two-liter over a six-pack! For a man, the ideal time to get married is when you find someone who not only puts up with your two-liter, but also your mother..." 
-- Jamie, Birmingham, Alabama

"The ideal time to get married is when you are truly in unconditional love. Hopefully that happens before you have a houseful of kids!" 
-- Anna, Syracuse, New York

sounds like anna might have forgotten her bc...

I think the best time to get married is after the age of 30. Don't bother with an expensive wedding. Marriage is the same no matter the price, but divorce can cost even more." 
-- Kimberly, Valparaiso, Indiana


"When you've been engaged for 14 years. What can I say, I wanted to be sure he was the one for me!" -
- Cathy, Baldwinville, Massachusetts

--sorry Cathy, a 14 year engagement would never fly at home.

according to the article, over 70% of adults age 25-40 are married, or have been married. wowza.

i have no words for this

i can't even tell you how much i love this billboard. 

Monday, February 8, 2010

mmm teddiessss

so i was snacking on some teddy grahams tonight and i was curious about the nutrition facts--since the fda is considering increasing serving sizes on packaging--when i noticed that these tgrahams are specifically made for children under 4...i guess a 5 year old and a 23 year old can eat the same amount of teddies? no wonder everyone is chubby!

vday stat

according to a recent reuters poll, 21% of adults would rather spend v-day with their pet, than their significant other. i guess if you had your own dixie, it would be pretty hard to leave her. such a sweet snugglebug.

i thought i was messy...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

miley + B.I.G

you're a fool if you don't click on that link and listen. 
my two worlds just

thank you margaret.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


emily has always said that i look just like the dumb girl from mean girls, amanda seyfried. i don't mind her saying that now because as you can see, she looks good these days. 

best kept secret. ever.

sssh don't tell steve is probably the greatest thing on twitter. steve's roommates have decided to tweet the ridiculous things steve says and does throughout the day. they're typical college boys, but it's pretty entertaining. i posted a few of my faves from @shhdonttellsteve this weekend. 

Steve's pissed at Aggro Tony. AT keeps making fun of him for being fat. Keeps calling him "Jabba" in public

Steve frustrated he hasn't found uncensored NBA star Greg Oden nude pics online. Steve: "I bet he's got a baby arm."

Steve bitched to the Landlord b/c he found a cockroach in his room. LL asked Steve if he has food in there. Steve doesn't see the connection

Steve just bought round for table of sorority girls gotta say it was a baller move

follow them! @shhdonttellsteve

jersey shore + the city

tonight was mtv's up-front party where the casts from all the mtv shows get together and booze and celebrate getting paid to party (or be teen moms) on mtv. if you've been living under a rock, the uber tan chick on the left is snooki, aka schnickers, and whitney from the city. whitney looks so pretty!!

daily dixie

look how happy she looks! sweet, sweet dixie. 

Monday, February 1, 2010

i want these

i really want these pink peonies sent to me. hmm...i wonder if there is some kind of holiday coming up that would score me these pretties?
oh yes! valentine's dayyyy.

happy groundhog day!!

i really want one of these groundhog pudding pops. mmmm.


this is a picture from the river cafe in brooklyn. it looks so beautiful. i absolutely adore the skyline and to be able to have dinner and look at my pretty city is just so perfect! it was also voted one of america's top ten romantic restaurants--for obvious reasons. pretty!


your_tweet @a_bowles Your tweet on the Grammys made a story by @BTentertainment. See it here:

they used my tweet about bon jovi on their site! it's 3/4 down the page, and although most of you will think it's the lamest thing in the book--especially because it involves bon jovi--i was actually very excited that they picked my tweet out of the millions that are on the site! woooo.

gaga ooo la la

my favorite performance from the grammy's last night. i love lady gaga and i love elton john even more.