Hail Halo!
Put those halos away and get out the devil ears girls, this sorostitute has lost her damn mind. The PiPhi prez at Cornell decided she was Hitler and made a list of "Do's and Don'ts" for rush attire. I mean I know in our sorority we regulate some fashion-challenged sisters. But this little list is just unreal.
Just a few things that caught my eye:
- "Booties ok if you can pull them off, aka probably not." -
Ummm I like booties, and most peeps can pull them off.
- When referring to wearing jeggings, "NO cameltoe".
I mean I would hope any girl in your sorority would make the conscious decision to wear something that doesn't give you cameltoe. Otherwise, she should not be in your sorority. Jesus.
- The whole "Business Casual attire" day kinda blew my mind. I'm pretty sure if some girl showed up at our house in slacks and a blouse and stockings as socks, we'd be a little worried about her sexual orientation and to the basement she'd go.
-And last but certainly not least, my all time personal fav -
- Shoes don't - NO "F*ck me pumps". Classy lady this president. Classy lady.
Take a little looksy at the rest of your list. I'm sure you'll be as baffled as we all are. I wonder what pi phi hitler would have to say about those swimsuits. certainly not angel-like.
You go angel. You go.